WEDC has prepared useful posters on WASH topics for its conference in Nakuru, Kenya in 2013. The posters are listed below:
1. Poster 001: Latrine slabs (2013)
Reed, Brian; Shaw, Rod
2. Poster 002: The three-pot water treatment system (2013)
Skinner, B.H.; Shaw, Rod
3. Poster 003: A guide to personal hygiene (2013)
Ince, M.E.; Shaw, Rod; Davey, Kay
4. Poster 004: The 'F' diagram: barriers against faecal-oral diseases (2012)
Reed, Brian; Skinner, Brian; Shaw, Rod
5. Poster 005: Sealing a borehole with a sanitary seal (2013)
Skinner, Brian; Chatterton, Ken; Shaw, Rod
6. Poster 006: Guidelines for handwashing with soap (2013)
Reed, Bob; Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken
7. Poster 007: Drainage from water points (2013)
Skinner, Brian; Chatterton, Ken; Shaw, Rod
8. Poster 008: How to make a handwashing bottle (2013)
Reed, Bob; Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken
9. Poster 009: Using gourds for handwashing (2013)
Shaw, Rod
10. Poster 010: Simple pit latrines (2013)
Reed, Bob; Shaw, Rod
11. Poster 011: Pour flush latrines with water-seal pans (2013)
Shaw, Rod
12. Poster 012: Offset pour-flush latrines (2013)
Reed, Bob; Shaw, Rod
13. Poster 013: Twin-pit latrines 1 (2013)
Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
14. Poster 014: Twin-pit latrines 2 (2013)
Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
15. Poster 015: Ventilated, improved pit latrines (VIP latrines) (2013)
Shaw, Rod
16. Poster 016: Spiral VIP latrines (2013)
Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
17. Poster 017: Twin-pit ventilated, improved pit latrines (2013)
Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
18. Poster 018: Borehole latrines (2013)
Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
19. Poster 019: Elevated latrines (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
20. Poster 020: Raised latrines (2013)
Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
21. Poster 021: A guide to sanitation selection (2013)
Franceys, Richard; Shaw, Rod; Davey, Kay
22. Poster 022: Foot-operated hole covers for pit latrine squatting plates (2013)
Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
23. Poster 023: A quick way of measuring the turbidity of water (2013)
Reed, Bob; Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
24. Poster 024: Open defecation fields in emergencies (2013)
Harvey, Peter; Reed, Bob; Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
25. Poster 025: Shallow trench latrines in emergencies (2013)
Harvey, Peter; Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
26. Poster 026: Deep trench latrines in emergencies (2013)
Harvey, Peter; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
27. Poster 027: Handpump installation - Part 1 of 3 (2013)
Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
28. Poster 028: Handpump installation - Part 2 of 3 (2013)
Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
29. Poster 029: Handpump installation - Part 3 of 3 (2013)
Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
30. Poster 030: Reciprocating and rotary handpump actions (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken
31. Poster 031: Types of reciprocating (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken
32. Poster 032: Direct action handpumps (2013)
Skinner, Brian; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
33. Poster 033: Reducing waste at water points (2013)
Skinner, Brian; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
34. Poster 034: The Blair bucket pump (2013)
Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
35. Poster 035: The rope and washer pump (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
36. Poster 038: The Vergnet footpump (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
37. Poster 039: The Volanta handpump (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken
38. Poster 041: The UPM pump (2013)
Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
39. Poster 042: The Afridev and Aquadev handpumps (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
40. Poster 043: The India Mark III handpump (2013)
Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda
41. Poster 044: The Rower pump (2013)
Skinner, Brian; Chatterton, Ken; Davey, Kay
Bibliographic information
WEDC (2013).
A guide to sanitation selection, and WASH posters WEDC, Loughborough University, UK
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A guide to sanitation selection
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